3 Ways to Improve Heart Health?

1 Answer

Answer :

Maintaining a healthy heart is important to improve quality of life, prevent serious disease, and prolong life expectancy. Adhering to a few simple principles may drastically improve overall heart for anyone, young or old. The first main component of heart health is exercise. Cardiovascular exercise improves the flow of blood to the heart and helps to reduce the build-up of obstructions in the arteries that may lead to a blockage. An exercise routine also does not have to be overly complicated to be effective. For example, simply walking 30 to 45 minutes 5 times or more per week is plenty to get started. More intensive exercise can be added in gradually as conditioning improves. The key improving heart health through exercise is to maintain a consistent level of physical activity every week. A second component to heart health is nutrition. Maintaining a heart healthy diet will dramatically improve heart health and decrease chance of coronary artery disease. In general, a heart healthy diet is low in both saturated fats and cholesterol. Saturated fats and cholesterol may lead to artery blockage, potentially resulting in blockage of critical arteries that supply the heart with proper blood flow. Protein is also another component to a heart healthy diet. Protein helps to support lean muscle mass and improves the body's ability to repair damaged tissue. Since the heart is a large muscle, healthy levels of protein are essential. Omega 3 fatty acids are also a good addition to a heart healthy diet. These fatty acids help to protect the heart from heart disease. They are also not naturally made in the body, so obtaining these essential nutrients from on outside source is essential. Good sources of Omega 3 fatty acids include fish (salmon, tuna, etc.) and nuts. The American Heart Association recommends eating Omega 3 containing fish twice a week or more. A third component of heart health is maintaining a healthy body weight. Individuals who are as little as 10 pounds overweight for their height are potentially straining their heart. Carrying extra weight makes the heart work harder to pump blood through the body. Making the heart work harder may cause damaged and result in decreased heart function. Before making any drastic changes to diet or exercise it is important to consult a physician to make sure the new program is best.

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