How many hours would it be natural to sleep?

1 Answer

Answer :

I can sleep 8 hours healthy.

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Last Answer : Well yes, but it has to be going on for some time, and sometimes it's a sign of an underline health issue that's the real threat. Of course, lack of sleep can cause dangers because you may get drowsy when driving ... 1030 or 11. When I'm busy all day, I can actually be in bed by 11pm and up by 8.

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Last Answer : [deleted]

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Last Answer : I spent a whole week in my computer lab working on an essay on the importance of being Earnest . My head and chest felt odd. In a bad way. I only got a 65% on the English paper. I ... to concentrate and I eventually failed out of university in my second year from not taking care of my self better.

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Last Answer : “Night owls are more bothered by the time changes than morning people. For some, it can take up to three weeks to recover from the sleep schedule changes, according to a 2009 study in the journal Sleep Medicine.” From link mentioned above.

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Last Answer : Have you looked to see what power settings you have—i.e., what default behavior is in place for the computer’s behavior when it has been idle for some specified amount of time?

Description : Almost 48 hours with no sleep and I'm getting worried?

Last Answer : Why not take a tylenol and lay down in the dark, jeesus. Why would you stay up this long?

Description : I need a drug that will allow me to sleep less than 6-8 hours a day and still be rested.

Last Answer : The only thing you can do is be as health as possible. Eat well, exercise. Anything else will eventually harm you or shorten your life. You should sleep as much as your body needs. ... you might want to get checked for an underlying reason like an underactive thryoid or other medical condition.

Description : How many hours per day do you sleep ?

Last Answer : I sleep around 8 hours [ more or less ]. If I didn’t have to do some things I’d sleep around 14 ^^

Description : If your question (asked late at night) was then pushed to editing for something like four hours (because one does have to sleep), is it okay to repost it so that it is not now buried in older questions?

Last Answer : Ask Auggie.

Description : Are you supposed to sleep for 8 hours?

Last Answer : answer:LIsten to your body, (particularly if you are 19 and male). And use common sense. If you wake up groggy and stagger around all day in a fog of fatigue, you need more sleep. And vice versa. ... is the figure given for the norm or average. That means a lot of people sleep less and vice versa.

Description : What do you do when you have to be up in a few hours but cannot, for the life of you, sleep?

Last Answer : happened to me last night. I went downstairs, turned on a boring tv show and was out in 5 minutes. I have the most awesome couch to sleep on though.

Description : What would cause a person to sleep 16+ hours a day and be nervous all night?

Last Answer : Clonazepam for sure would do it or depression.

Description : How many hours of sleep should I be getting?

Last Answer : The average person should be shooting for at least 8 hours.

Description : If caffeine doesn't have an effect on someone (as in, they can drink a whole pot of coffee and then sleep an effortless 8 hours), then is excessive caffeine still bad for that person?

Last Answer : Whether or not you feel the increase in a marked fashion, you are more than likely not completely insensitive to it. It sounds like you're not drinking coffee regularly - and that is the much more ... (unless, of course, your system is particularly sensitive to it - but this isn't the case.)

Description : How many hours sleep do you need in order to function (and stay healthy)

Last Answer : answer:Please….... someone say 4 hours! I ain’t getting no sleep these days

Description : Getting 7 hours of sleep but still exhausted. Any advice?

Last Answer : Perhaps you are in need of something to eat to boost your sugar levels, and keep you going.

Description : How many hours sleep do you get per night ?

Last Answer : Not nearly enough; I’m divorced and have my kids every other week. I find that I stay up too late after putting them to bed, and end up getting only 5 to 6 hours of sleep during those weeks. I feel like a zombie right now. :)

Description : How many hours of sleep do you need in a night?

Last Answer : I think 8 hours is about right for me. 6 isn’t enough and 10 is a bit much (though last week when I got 11 it felt awesome). 8 is perfect. Though I’m not sure I’ll be getting that tonight since I have a Geology final in the morning and I have to get up at 7:30…

Description : What are the side effects of getting 4 hours of sleep everynight?

Last Answer : Tiredness?

Description : Am I the only one who's more tired if I get greater than 5-6 hours sleep?

Last Answer : When you seep for 10–12 every few weeks that’s a sign you have sleep debt. You’re probably just not used to getting full night. Try it faithfully for a month, and see how much more productive you’ll become. It’s much better for you.

Description : Is it OK to wake up and eat breakfast, but then go back to sleep for, say, 3-4 more hours? Is this unhealthy?

Last Answer : Sounds mostly lazy…..why would you eat to sleep?

Description : Does getting less sleep every night, say 6-6.5 hours rather than 7.5-8 hours, reduce one's lifespan significantly? how does lack of sleep affect you in the long run?

Last Answer : not sure, i myself i start to get a little bit pale, as for the rest, i manage, i guess in the long run i’ll learn my lesson and start living a normal life

Description : John was very tired after a long day of work. He went to bed at 10 p.m., wound his alarm clock and set it for noon the next day. Since John fell asleep almost immediately, how many hours of sleep did he get before the alarm woke him? -Riddles

Last Answer : Two hours. Wind-up clocks can't be set more than 12 hours in advance.

Description : Is 8 hours sleep is important or sleeping in night is important?

Last Answer : 8 hour sleep is important

Description : How many hours a day should a child sleep ?

Last Answer : Doctors advise an adult to sleep an average of 8 hours a day. However, in the case of children, this time will naturally increase a little. However, the question is how old is the baby ? Because ... daily. Adolescence (age over 12 years): - The average sleep time is seven to nine hours daily sleep.

Description : How many hours of sleep will be enough for an 18/19 year old student ?

Last Answer : An 18/19 year old man is a full grown young man. And an adult needs at least eight to eight hours of sleep a night.

Description : How many hours of sleep per day is possible to survive ?

Last Answer : It is possible to survive by sleeping for 4-6 hours every day. However, a person needs to sleep (7-8) hours daily to stay healthy. That means if you just want to survive , you can get 4 to 6 hours of sleep. And if you want to live a healthy life , you need 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

Description : I have trouble sleeping at night. So I am taking sleeping pills. I am 18 years old.

Last Answer : : Knocten , Sidil , Parkellin , Relaxen 5 , Izium , Mylam , Dormicum . Whatever you think is good, you should not eat more than 1 o'clock. There may be danger.

Last Answer : Felfresh and pase-2, Epinal, Zopiline, Lexyl . After playing these, sleep comes in a short time. Medicines are sensitive. The doctor will prescribe the dose for you depending on your age. ... advice as it can cause permanent damage to your nerves. So refrain from taking sleeping pills unnecessarily.

Description : How many hours of sleep and what would be ideal.

Last Answer : I usually sleep 5-6 hours, I rarely sleep 7-8 hours. Unfortunately, I'm not a big sleeper of sg.

Last Answer : We used to have a retriever, he can sleep for twenty hours. My dog ​​sleeps during the day. He hangs out more than I do all day and almost always sleeps. The evening comes to life. I would say that their sleep is much lighter than in humans, but again they sleep for 16-18 hours.

Description : What time do you go to bed? At what time do you have to or can you get up? Do you like to take a nap after lunch or another day? Do you fall asleep and sleep without problems? How many hours of sleep do you need to function smoothly?

Last Answer : I go to bed normally around four, I get up, usually, around eight - resp. - I wake up, I get up sometime after. : o I usually fall asleep without a problem and I get up anyway ... have no problem normally functioning for about three days without sleep, if necessary even longer (previously a week +).

Description : How many hours is such a minimum?

Last Answer : Adults have a strong individual need for sleep, for children (organism in development) it is stated about 8 hours.

Description : How has getting more sleep hours improved your life?

Last Answer : Getting the right amount of sleep hours is what is recommended and not necessarily get more sleep hours. But the overall benefits of getting enough sleep includes reducing stress, improving memory which ... Sleep is natural and depriving the body of sufficient sleep could be harmful and unhealthy.

Description : If you sleep 10 hours of the day how many minutes are you awake?

Last Answer : 24 - 10 = 1414 x 60 = 840

Description : In an experiment to see the effect of sleep on memory tests one group got eight hours of sleep a night and the other group got five hours a night. In this experiment what is the dependent variable?

Last Answer : The amount of sleep apex

Description : In 1963 if you went to bed at 8 o'clock at night and set the alarm to get up at 9 o'clock the next morning how many hours of sleep would this permit you to have?

Last Answer : Most alarm clocks of 1963 were 12 hour alarm clocks - they didnot know the difference between am & pm, so you would have atmost 1 hour sleep.There may have been some electronic alarm clocks of 1963 whichdid know about am & pm, in which case they would permit at most13 hours of sleep.

Description : Hi We have neighbors that have a dog that roams, defacates, destroys our trash barks for HOURS pretty darn every night from 9pm - 3 or 4am in the morning. Dont wanna see the dog destroyed because its the owners fault. Help.Lack of sleep is getting to us.?

Last Answer : If you have not spoken to the owners, you should. It is their responsibility to remove it from your property and away from your things. If not, you can report it.

Description : Does getting 3 hours of sleep mean I have sleep deprivation?

Last Answer : Yes it does because if you are not getting the sleep that you need you may have sleep deprivation. This is not a good thing because you need at least 8-10 hours of sleep each night.

Description : How many hours a day do Dog sleep?

Last Answer : I say why does it matter? Cats are way better animals. They sleep 16 hours a day. Dogs probably sleep about 5-7 hours a day though. I don't really know for sure so don't rely on me:-)

Description : How many hours a day do Cougar sleep?

Last Answer : they sleep about 3-6 hours a day

Description : How many hours a day do Cat sleep?

Last Answer : Bangladesh . bisnath. hamim 10yrs old shaplea primery school

Description : I went to bed at eight 8 'clock in the evening and wound up my clock and set the alarm to sound at nine 9 'clock in the morning. How many hours sleep would I get before being awoken by the alarm?

Last Answer : 1 hour. It is a wind up alarm clock which cannot discriminate between a.m. and p.m.

Description : Sustained/controlled release oral dosage form is appropriate for the following type of drug: A. An antiarthritic with a plasma half life of 24 hr B. A sleep inducing hypnotic with a plasma half life of ... 3 hours D. An analgesic with a plasma half life of 6 hours used for relief of casual headache

Last Answer : C. An antihypertensive with a plasma half life of 3 hours

Description : Sustained/controlled release oral dosage form is appropriate for the following type of drug: A. An antiarthritic with a plasma half life of 24 hr B. A sleep inducing hypnotic with a plasma half life of ... 3 hours D. An analgesic with a plasma half life of 6 hours used for relief of casual headache

Last Answer : Microsomal enzyme induction has one of the following features: A. Takes about one week to develop B. Results in increased affinity of the enzyme for the substrate C. It is irreversible D. Can be used to treat acute drug poisonings

Description : Most natural way to sleep?

Last Answer : answer:No they didn't, but..I am sure they did their best to make a soft spot for sleeping with grasses, leaves and branches and animal skins..depending on how far back we are going here. lol I ... in tune with every night sound of the woods. City noise drives me insane, can't hear myself breathe.

Description : What is the softest natural habitat that humans would sleep in if we never invented beds?

Last Answer : Before the invention of beds, my ancestors made a sleeping space out of bamboo plants. These plants are long hollow-like stem from the grass family poaceae. They harvested them and tied them vertically ... more comfortable. These structures were used in place of the modern beds we are used to now.