How many calories do i have to eat to lose weight?

1 Answer

Answer :

The number of calories you can take in depends on how many calories you are burning. If you have a fairly stationary desk job, you will need to cut down on the number of calories you currently eat in order to lose weight. If you have a fairly active job, with a lot of physical work, don't cut down too much on what you eat, because you don't want to weaken yourself and hurt yourself. Generally it is not advised for a woman to intake fewer than 1200 calories per day and 1600 calories for men.

Related questions

Description : If you eat the right amount of calories, can you lose weight no matter what kind of food you're eating?

Last Answer : You could lose faster by eating more calories in the form of protein.It is best to balance it out though.

Description : I only eat 1500 calories a day, and I work out for about an hour four times a week but I'm stuck at 140 lbs. Why can't I lose weight?

Last Answer : I assume you have lost weight and now you can't lose anymore. This is what is known as hitting a plateau. You will stay there for awhile regardless of what you do. This is your body's way of adjusting. However after you become discouraged one day you will start to lose again so don't give up.

Description : Is it possible to eat 2000 calories a day & lose 2000 calories a day?

Last Answer : answer:We'd need to know your height, weight, age, and gender in order to answer this accurately. You may be burning 2000 calories per day just by going about your day as you normally do. Calculate ... and veggies daily; stick to whole grains; steer clear of fast food, soda, and pre-packaged meals.

Description : How many calories do I eat a day to lose about 10 sizes in 1 summer?

Last Answer : It's impossible to drop ten sizes in one summer without literally killing yourself. If you want to go from a size 16 to a size six, that'd require you to lose about 80 lbs. That 80 lbs ... simple things like drinking water instead of something else, and going for a brisk walk every day. Good luck.

Description : Can I lose weight from diet alone ? Can I lose weight from cutting calories but not exercising ?

Last Answer : I don’t know if you can guarantee a set weight loss – so much depends on metabolism – but yes, you can lose weight by cutting calories alone. Maybe try to build some extra physical activity into your day by taking stairs, parking further away in parking lots, etc.

Description : Is it possible to lose weight by only eating 600 calories per day?

Last Answer : Sounds like a phenomenally bad idea to me. That’s way less than the recommended daily caloric intake recommended for anyone. That the sort of diet my grandma was on…during WWII in Yugoslavia while they were occupied.

Description : How many calories do you need to lose weight?

Last Answer : The trick is to use up more than you take in. The actual number of calories doesn’t really tell you the whole story.

Description : What is the simplest way to calculate calories needed to lose weight?

Last Answer : answer:Buy a small calorie booklet for a couple of dollars. Count what you eat each day to see about how many calories you eat per day. If you want to lose weight, eat less calories, etc. etc. Not difficult. It will be different for each person.

Description : A treadmill or elliptical? Which one is the better one to lose weight and burn calories?

Last Answer : Elliptical is easier to stay on for a longer time, IMO. I find treadmill boring, elliptical can actually be fun and i believe you do burn more calories in a shorter time (as compared to treadmill) with an elliptical.

Description : Enough calories to lose weight?

Last Answer : Yes! It doesn't hurt to move next to it, but it's plenty!

Description : Will eating only 1200 calories a day help you lose weight?

Last Answer : Well, eating 1200 calories will help people lose weight if they usually eat more than 1200 calories. However, there is also the option of exercising daily or regularly.

Description : Is just cutting down on calories enough to lose weight?

Last Answer : cutting down on how many calories you eat for someone who isn't very active will help to control and after periods of time loose weight. But it is better to and quicker to loose weight if you ... off is good and will help you loose weight, just make sure you consult your doctor before starting.

Description : Is counting calories a good way to lose weight?

Last Answer : Watching calories can help you lose weight, but counting calories does not. Often foods that are healthier for you and your metabolism are more calorically dense, but they help you lose weight in the long ... need a minimum amount of calories on a daily basis, at least, to not be under starvation.

Description : How many calories must be burnt to lose weight.?

Last Answer : The amount of calories needed to lose weight varies from person to person. The best advice is to eat small, healthy meals and to exercise daily. Best of luck to you.

Description : If I need 1500 calories a day to maintain my current weight, and I can manage to intake 1500 calories at breakfast, could I conceivably not have to eat the rest of the day?

Last Answer : I think it would mess up your metabolism. It’s best to eat small snacks throughout the day.

Description : How many calories should I eat daily to get to my weight goal?

Last Answer : I'm currently using Lifesum as a way to lose weight and I was wondering if anyone has any input on how effective it is on getting me to my goal weight. I am 5'6 tall and weigh 180 lbs but my goal ... 1200 calories would I still get to my goal of 125-120 lbs or would that keep me at the same weight?

Description : Do we lose calories while sneezing?

Last Answer : Yes. We do lose calories when sneezing. When you sneeze, your lungs produce lot of energy. This exhalation speed of air can be as high as 100 mph. When you sneeze repeatedly your lungs keep producing this tremendous force thereby resulting in loss of calories.

Description : How many calories does the normal person have to burn in exercise to lose on pound of fat?

Last Answer : It take about 3500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat. So that would mean that if you lower you caloric intake by 500 calories in a week you would lose about 1 pound.

Description : Can a woman still lose 1 pound per week of body fat if she does not exercise but is careful not to consume more than 2000 calories on any given day?

Last Answer : You can find tips on how to lose weight and calories at the following website that provide to help you,

Description : Is it safe to lose 500 to 1000 calories from your recommended daily allowance?

Last Answer : It can be simple but it should be eased into and not rushed into so you cannot just jump down these calories in one day if you are so used to eating over 2000 calories normally.

Description : How aware of you of the number of calories in food in general, and especially in the food you eat?

Last Answer : Since I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I always check the carbs number.

Description : How many calories should I eat?

Last Answer : answer:2000 calories per day is seen as a general rule, but of course it varies by weight, your goals, and activity level. The only rules of thumb I know are all related in pounds, but it's an easy ... your goals are. That said, your 16 and still growing, when you're hungry, eat. Hope it helps.

Description : I'm not used to it because I don't even know how to count. 

Last Answer : I've never counted before. Unfortunately, I wouldn't even know how to count.

Description : Where can I learn about the calories in the food I eat?

Last Answer : We can know the calories we eat by looking at the labels of the food we usually buy from the groceries.There are so many websites that you can click for you to print the list of food calories you need online.

Description : How can I find out how many calories there are in food I eat?

Last Answer : Most foods have the caloric information on the packaging, you can find information on food that doesn't come in a package (like fresh fruits and veggies) at this website:

Description : How many calories does Sidney Crosby eat?

Last Answer : 2300

Description : Why do some people eat, and gain weight, when they're stressed out, while others completely lose their appetites and lose weight?

Last Answer : I'm a stress eater (I don't even go down the ice cream aisle in the market if stressed). It's a coping mechanism. But for some people I know, stress can make them feel sick, and then they don ... control, choosing to eat or not eat is one thing you can control. And there may be some comfort in this.

Description : What food do you like to eat when dieting to lose weight?

Last Answer : answer:I eat 5 times a day, 3 meals, 2 snacks, the snacks have to be ⅓ the consumption of my meals based on the Zone Diet of blocks. Each block is an example pertaining to the value of protein, ... this with exercise and plenty of water and you will be on your way to weight loss in a safe manner.

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Last Answer : Juice is not the best way to eat your veggies and especially if you want to lose weight. Just eat them cooked or raw. That way your body will burn energy while it processes them. You should eat some lean protein too. That will help you to feel full and satisfied. Have a look at the Paleo diet.

Description : Slender people...have any overweight people who wanted to lose weight ever asked you what you eat during a regular day, and then tried to copy that?

Last Answer : I have been asked what I do to keep in shape. I tell them and then they don’t do a thing! XD

Description : I need inspiration to lose weight & eat less?

Last Answer : photoshop your head onto brad pitt’s fight club body and make like 5+ posters of it and then hang it all over your house

Description : Can you still eat bad and lose weight through exercise?

Last Answer : I learned this easy formula for a healthy weight: food intake=excersice output That’s all there is to it, really. :)

Description : The only way to lose weight is a calorie deficit meaning you just eat less than what you’re burning?

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Description : What is the way to lose weight ? I run 30 to 40 minutes every morning after morning prayers. Then at 9 o'clock in the morning I eat 8 loaves of bread with vegetables. Again at 9 o'clock at night he ... he is not losing weight and fat. Is there any problem in food ? Or what to do to lose weight ?

Last Answer : : I train a few people in a gym myself and I have been advising on these things for the last 3 years. But if you don't take it seriously, I can't help it. So now I say eat as much ... increase the distance slowly. He will have to change his training next month and then I will tell you what to do.

Description : Do you lose weight by playing Square Company Anzitor ? I want to eat injectors to lose weight. How long to eat to lose 8 kg weight and how many mg for how many days

Last Answer : Yes, you can eat, but of course with the advice of a doctor. This type of medicine is not suitable for use without the advice of a physician. And yes, these drugs are needed to lose ... advised by the doctor. And some side effects such as constipation , flatulence , indigestion and pain may occur.

Description : What do I need to eat to lose weight?

Last Answer : oats, eggs, chicken, fish, beef. garnish with rice, bulgur, couscous.

Description : How does someone who takes in more than 2,000 calories and still lose weight?

Last Answer : Moves a lot or your metabolism is faster. It all depends on the amount of calories burned. If that’s a lot, you can eat with confidence.

Description : If I take in too few calories, can I stop losing weight?

Last Answer : Yes, because that's when the organization stores. Put aside every little bit of nutrients as you know there will be no more. Raise your carb intake a little.

Description : What Should a Vegetarian Eat for Dinner to Lose Weight?

Last Answer : 1.Eat vegetable oats, daliya or vegetable rice or pulao with yogurt. You can add vegetables like broccoli, bell pepper, cauliflower, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, eggplants, carrots in your diet to ... offers low crab option for people who interested in a vegan keto or vegan low carb approach.

Description : What are the best foods to eat to lose weight in stomach?

Last Answer : Foods that help reduce belly fat 1.eggs ( egg diet is the best option) 2.oats 3.ginger lemon tea( if you are allergic to lemon don't add it) just add one inch of ginger to 250 ml(one cup) water and bring it boil. Then add lemon juice (half a lemon) and drink on empty stomach.

Description : How many hard boiled eggs should I eat a day to lose weight?

Last Answer : Hard boiled eggs is a good alternative to other foods that we normally eat. One large hard boiled egg contains 78 calories , so if you eat too you just multiply it. If you eat meal, it could ... some but not on some who have health issues. I suggest you ask your dietician before starting this diet.

Description : What are some other good foods to eat to lose weight besides celery and carrots?

Last Answer : Foods that can help you lose weight are nutritionally dense, low-fat, natural foods. Foods that are high in fiber, such as beans and vegetables, can help you feel full longer. Lean protein, such as beans, eggs or pork, also has an important place in a weight-loss diet.

Description : What good diet foods should I try to eat to lose weight?

Last Answer : The best diet foods you should be eating while trying to lose weight are; oatmeal, almonds, peanut butter, and live oil. Remember however that its not always what you eat but the amounts of it that you eat. Try to avoid processed foods and especially fast food.

Description : What foods should I eat and avoid to lose weight?

Last Answer : If you want to lose weight you should eat foods like whole grains and nuts and seeds. to lose weight you should avoid red meat, butter and whole milk. All of these foods will not help you lose weight but make you gain.

Description : What foods should I eat based on my blood type if I want to lose weight?

Last Answer : No, you should choose foods that are good for a diet, yet I do not know. Diet diet diet diet diet, that is what you must do to be healthy. Then you loose more weight through dieting and exercising.

Description : Do you lose weight if you don't eat?

Last Answer : Yes you do.

Description : Is there a rough calculation for number of calories required to maintain a certain weight?

Last Answer : 10 calories per pound for women, 11 for men. That’s if someone is not really physically active and has an average metabolism.

Description : In your experience, is weight gain/loss a simple ratio of calories in to calories out?

Last Answer : When all is said and done, it is still calories in vs calories out. Certainly some people find it harder to burn calories than others, but it does not mean they can not do it. The excuse ... less and exercise more. Otherwise, all those fat guys in basic training would not have gotten skinny. Sorry.

Description : How many calories do I need for weight loss?

Last Answer : Go to, join, answer all the questions and follow the guidelines. It is better if you download a copy and run it on your own system - it isn't expensive. BTW, those little ... Fitday will tell the total calorie count of everything you eat, but you will need scales to weight things.

Description : Is eating your BMR in calories plus what you burn through exercise how you maintain your weight?

Last Answer : death